Pi i Margall, Joaquím Dante and Virgil contemplate the torture of the Simoniacs... €28.93 -20% €23.14 -20% Quick view
Pi i Margall, Joaquím Frozen lake where the traitors are punished (Chapter XXXII.... €28.93 -20% €23.14 -20% Quick view
Pi i Margall, Joaquím Prison of Count Ugolino and his sons (Chapter XXXIII. Plate 35) €28.93 -20% €23.14 -20% Quick view
Pi i Margall, Joaquím Dante y Virgilio cruzan el puente del sexto valle: están... €28.93 -20% €23.14 -20% Quick view
Pi i Margall, Joaquím When Dante and Virgil arrive at the place where fraud, usury... €28.93 -20% €23.14 -20% Quick view
Pi i Margall, Joaquím Dante, guided by Virgil, sets out on his journey to hell... €28.93 -20% €23.14 -20% Quick view
Pi i Margall, Joaquím Thieves torture. They are bitten by poisonous snakes... €28.93 -20% €23.14 -20% Quick view
Pi i Margall, Joaquím Christ victor over death brings out of limbo our father... €28.93 -20% €23.14 -20% Quick view
Pi i Margall, Joaquím Charon passes the souls to the other side of the hell's... €28.93 -20% €23.14 -20% Quick view
Pi i Margall, Joaquím Dante, after having doubted whether he will cross the... €28.93 -20% €23.14 -20% Quick view
Pi i Margall, Joaquím Torture of the hypocrites. They are covered with a heavy... €28.93 -20% €23.14 -20% Quick view
Pi i Margall, Joaquím Pluto exhales his fury against Dante and Virgil (Chapter... €28.93 -20% €23.14 -20% Quick view
Pi i Margall, Joaquím Dante and Virgil come out of hell (Chapter XXXIV. Plate 38) €28.93 -20% €23.14 -20% Quick view
Pi i Margall, Joaquím Judas devoured by the sovereign of the empire of sorrows... €28.93 -20% €23.14 -20% Quick view
Pi i Margall, Joaquím Cerberus takes the shadows entrusted to his custody and... €28.93 -20% €23.14 -20% Quick view
Pi i Margall, Joaquím Dante upon hearing the fatal love affairs of Francesca of... €28.93 -20% €23.14 -20% Quick view
Pi i Margall, Joaquím Upon reaching the second fence of the seventh circle, Dante... €28.93 -20% €23.14 -20% Quick view
Pi i Margall, Joaquím Farinata predicts to Dante that he will be banished (Chapter... €28.93 -20% €23.14 -20% Quick view
Pi i Margall, Joaquím The three furies of hell (Chapter IX. Plate 10) €28.93 -20% €23.14 -20% Quick view
Pi i Margall, Joaquím Count Ugolino is condemned to starve among the corpses of... €28.93 -20% €23.14 -20% Quick view
Pi i Margall, Joaquím Torture of liars and charlatans (Chapter XXIX. Plate 31) €28.93 -20% €23.14 -20% Quick view
Pi i Margall, Joaquím The torture of the heretic Bertran of Born (Chapter XXVIII.... €28.93 -20% €23.14 -20% Quick view
Pi i Margall, Joaquím Saint Francis claims the soul of Count Guido of Montefeltro:... €28.93 -20% €23.14 -20% Quick view
Pi i Margall, Joaquím Dante and Virgil arrive at the valley where Ulysses and... €28.93 -20% €23.14 -20% Quick view